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Dallas RoadCommunity Primary School

Prospective Reception parents are encouraged to contact us on 0152464520 to arrange a convenient time to visit and tour our amazing school.

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!




Miss Jeffery

TA- Mrs Chel, Mrs Vowell, Mrs Lowson and Ms Jackson


PPA Teachers - Mrs Lewis



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - Miss Plint

Thursday, Friday - Mrs Gates

TA - Mrs Fisher


PPA Teachers - Mr Cook and Mrs Mackenzie


PE day - Tuesday. 

Please can your child come to school in their PE kit for indoor and outdoor PE.




Please ensure that your child's reading book is in school every day. 

Year 3 Yearly Overview 24-25

Year 3 Curriculum Newsletters

Science Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organiser - Autumn 1 History Stone Age
